Monday, August 27, 2007

I have observed the people who I meet and have no idea about Iranians, judge us very fast based on their understanding from Medias. Fortunately none of the Muslim terrorists has been Iranian from the beginning of this new paranoia but the name of our country is accompanied with this matter.
Last night I was in a birthday party and you could find people from around the globe. Three of the guests got very happy when they heard I am Iranian. They mentioned they already have very great originally Iranian friends. It has happened to me for many times.

People are the same. Those who already got personal experiences, refer to that. The rest are inevitably dependent to Medias.


سپنتا said...

I'm really tired of explaining different things to people in here.I haven't found anybody yet who might have some good and positive knowledge of Iran and Iranians.

Anonymous said...

As you explained the worst thing is prejudging the people based on their race.
have you noticed that we have same behavior in our culture regarding strangers as what to do...

سیدنی نوشت said...

yes both of you are right. Actually we iranians are worst than them. we insult afghans just for a general idea that we have about them.
But still its good that the people who i meet, are really human and have less prejudgement.
Again we have to start from ourselves

Anonymous said...

راستش من با کسایی که برخورد کردم زیاد بد قضاوت نمی کردند. فقط یکی از همکلاسیهام که همسرم رو دیده بود به من گفت: من فکر می کردم همه ایرانیها ریش میذارن!!!!!!!!!!!!!
خوب منم با کلی خنده گفتم که نه همشون.
راستش یکی دوبار که ازم سوالهای خیلی جدی شده، مثل قوانین عزیز اسلام، من خیلی راحت گفتم ببینید اینا که می بینید قوانین ناب اسلامه، ولی مردم ما همشون به این قوانین معتقد نیستند ولی چون کشور ما یک کشور دیکتاتوریه همه مجبورند تظاهر به اعتقاد کنند. مردم متفاوتند با دولت. همین کلی باعث شده که کلی نظرشون نسبت به ایرانیا عوض شه.

Anonymous said...

امروز رئیس گفت : خانم .. اینجا رسانه ها بسیار قوی عمل می کنند . گفتم رئیس شما هم یه سرباز کودک بودید و گفت این چیزی بود که در زمان جنگ ما بسیار عادی بود. از این حسین فهمیده ها شما زیاد می بینید. یک بار گفتم رسانه در ایران رو بازی می کنه و همینه که تاثیرش نمی تونه در دراز مدت باشه. رسانه ها در جنگ جهانی ذوم، تئوری گوبلز، سینما و تلویزیون و بقیه رو مثال زد. رئیس مرد خوبیه و می دونه که علت جنگ رفتن و جانباز شدنش فقط رسانه بوده و این رو خیلی واضح می گه. گمونم اونجا هم همینطوره.اما مثل ما رو بازی نمی کنن. ببخش اگه کامنت خوبی نشد.

Zohreh said...

well most of the info they having first comes from s2ped media.. which is not really real in msot of the times but i guess its same
eveeery where .. I mean most of the poeple in iran get thier info and sometiems belive those rubbishs from their media too... and another thing is every time they show some movie or documenty about iran.. its always shows the most problems like addictions and tough life and stuff like that.. I mean still we cant see a real good picture or image from people who live in iran on the tv and well you know the rest of the story...

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