Thursday, August 9, 2007


A friend was talking about how people are aggressive while asking about an address or something like that in streets. Of course it’s absolutely different in some other countries. I can remember the first week that I arrived in Sydney and was lost! (Mentally and physically), I was looking for an address to visit a flat. I asked a guy about that. He didn’t know the address but told me: “hang on a sec! I will ask from a friend.”
He called his friend but unfortunately he didn’t know it either. He suggested his friend to check the address through internet. They found the address and I was impressed as I was in rush to get there as soon as possible.

I believe there are some sort of social issues which are interrelated. I found this picture in a blog.

What’s your idea? How can this girl be smiling while walking in the street 20 years from now? Can she one day forget the image what she saw that day? I hope so.


حمید said...


I looked at your blog. If you would wish to increase number of your blog's readers, my best advice to you is that to put your blog's address in below:

Zire Asemane Australia

Have a good time in Sydney.

سپنتا said...

Oh man! I saw that picture before.It's damn shocking and disgusting.I donno how stupid parents can be to take the kids to such places.In the meantime,I donno when we Iranians wanna reconsider some rules of Islam and give a better picture of Iran and Islam.This kind of killing is quite barbaric.Alas!

Anonymous said...

گفت مازن ها همه چسز برایمان جدی است همین است که زود پیر می شویم. حالا نه زنان انگار در ایران همه چیز آنقدر جدی است که حتی کودکان و نه همه هر روز شاهد جدی ترین مسئله زندگی باشند و مرگ که نه در قبرستان که در گوشه خیابان و اخبار هرروزه و فیلم های شبانه و روزانه به چشم می خورد. تلخی که بر دل می نشیند.

Anonymous said...

نه این بچه هیچ وقت لبخند نخواهد زد. بیست سال دیگه وقتی تو این خیابون راه بره چهره سر به دار این مردان همیشه دنبالش خواهد بود.
چه آدم با شعوری بشه چه یه آدم مسلمون خشک مذهبی ، هیچ وقت لبخند نخواهد زد.
موفق باشید.

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