Now I have many issues in my mind that I forgot what I intended to write. I have learnt a lot from the time I am in Sydney. I tried to be willing to change. Some sort of changes are easy and some others more difficault.
I would be happy if you tell me what your beggist changes have been during recent years. Doesnt matter if you are in the country or out of. We can share them with each other.
Hi nice to find new virtual friend soon will add your link up. Sorry I am bit busy with studay and work.
See u around
در زندگی دورانی است که در آن باید جرات بیانصاف بودن داشت، جرات آن داشت که همه تحسین و احترامی را که به شخص تلقین کرده و آموختهاند به دور انداخت، و همه چیز را از دروغ و حقیقت انکار کرد، مگر آنچه را که شخص خود به حقیقت آن پی برده باشد. کودک در سراسر تربیت خویش، و بر اثر همه آن چیزها که در پیرامن خود می بیند و میشنود، چنان توده انبوهی از دروغ و حماقت را همراه با حقایق اساسی زندگی فرو میدهد که نخستین وظیفه هر نوجوان که میخواهد مرد سالمی باشد آن است که همه را بالا بیاورد.
ژان کریستف- رومن رولان- ترجمه م.ا.بهآذین
انتشارات فردوس
اینو چند سال پیش خوندم. خیلی واقعیت داره. اون روز تصمیم گرفتم که سعی کنم ارزشهای واقعی زندگی رو خودم پیدا کنم نه اینکه هر چی جامعه بهم القا می کنه رو دربست قبول کنم. هنوز که هنوزه این نوشته دلم رو می لرزونه.نمی گم که من کاملا به این هدف رسیدم ولی همیشه یک گوشه ذهنم دارمش.
ببخشید طولانی شد.
Hi Bro,
How have you been?
Weel I should say that my best achievement in life was the time that I got out of Iran.BEfore that I was nothing but a robot who worked hard and didn't see anything in the philosophy of creation.But as I got here, I found the real essence of life and why people come to this world.Here I found myself and my God and I understood that life is not just pain .Everyday I thank God for this opportunity.The opportunity that is very difficult to obtain and not everyone has the chance.
well.. most of the basic ideas I had before I mean when I was in tehran ..they still are the same .. the type of ideas it never fitted in that society and lets say I had so many issues to bleive what the bull crap they tell us in our daily life.. in the schools, media and the things you can see and hear in whole society there.. so I felt much better when I started to live here .. I mean I felt so free and no more hassle and agony I had before.. although I missed living in there too..
but the latest achivment I have and I'm loving it I start to get more healthier and the way I eat better food ..much better than before.. I feel gr8 and I will try to keep this up and learn more about the healthy eating.. as the good old saying .."you are what u eat"
..with all the detox and have agood plan and helthier lifestyle i could tell ..
"life is so damn beautiful"
so yeh.. I can tel that is my best achivment so far ...
با اجازه لینکتون رو گذاشتم.
شاد باشید
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