Saturday, September 1, 2007


If some problems have the same degree of intensity, in terms of challenging, time consuming and their critical impact on our lives,

Do you prefer to have one of them or some of them?

I believe to have some major problems to resolve in life, is better than facing one single problem. When we got stuck in one issue, the brain after a while gets tired and therefore fucked up! but by moving between tasks, we can take advantage of brain dynamism as well as having a break to consider the problem again and again.

I amazingly believe answers to life problems are hidden and can just be cleared after many times of excavating the problem.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Just begin and the mind grows heated. Continue and the task will be completed."
Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


سپنتا said...

من عاشق این بحث های فلسفیت هستم.ولی باید بگم که بعضی وقتها این مخ آدم هنگ میکنه و هی ارور میده حالا هر چی میخوای سعی کن

Anonymous said...

ذهن تو خودش پیج می خوره مثل دردی که تمام دل رو می گیره و گاهی حتی تا پاها کشیده می شه. تو این رفت و آمد و پیچش ذهن خیلی چیزها زیر و رو می شه، حس بودن آدم، چرایی بودن اون و خیلی چیزهای دیگه،گاهی آدم با خودش می گه:
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